Shaker vs. Flat Panel Kitchen Cabinets: What's the Difference?

August 26, 2022

Homeowners who are looking to replace, reface, or refinish their kitchen cabinets eventually discover two popular cabinet styles that are often confused: shaker and flat panel cabinets.

Both styles can be used in a
modern kitchen design, and you can save money on your kitchen remodel by choosing either shaker or flat panel cabinets because they don’t have many embellishments. 

But what’s the difference between the two styles, and which is best for your kitchen? Let's dive in.

What’s the Difference Between Shaker and Flat Panel Cabinets?

Seafoam green refinished kitchen cabinets from a recent Oceanside job in the Monmouth County, New Jersey area

Shaker style cabinets are constructed with five pieces of wood: four pieces that create a wooden trim or frame around one recessed piece. As a result, a shaker style cabinet door looks like a picture frame with no photo.

Shaker cabinets are incredibly popular due to their simplicity and versatility. They work well in almost every kitchen style. 

Flat panel cabinets have no trim and are completely flat. They fit very well in modern kitchen designs, and there are lots of budget-friendly options for flat panel cabinets made from both laminate and wood.

Homeowners will sometimes install flat panel cabinets to show off interesting knobs and pulls that express a unique aesthetic.

Which Is In Style Now?

Due to their timeless design, shaker cabinets have been in style for over 60 years. They combine the look of traditional cabinets and modern cabinets with a beveled recess that adds a minimalist and clean profile. 

On the other hand, flat panel cabinets have popped in and out of style in recent years.

Their popularity rises and falls with the popularity of modern kitchen designs, whereas shaker style cabinets can accommodate both contemporary and modern kitchens.

Many of Ikea’s laminate cabinet options are constructed in the flat panel style which drives the design’s renown.

What Is Better for My Kitchen?

Before we list a few pros and cons of shaker style vs flat panel cabinets to find out which is better for your kitchen, our expert refinishing team would like to note that you can choose both!

We’ve seen many homeowners use a mix of shaker and flat panel cabinets along with open shelving in order to best suit how they use their kitchen space. Each of these styles looks great when mixed together.

Pros of Shaker Cabinets

  • They fit almost any kitchen design you want. 
  • They’ve remained in style for 60+ years.

Cons of Shaker Cabinets

  • The recess collects a lot of grime so they’re harder to clean. 
  • Shaker cabinet designs can look bland in some homes because of their lack of ornamentation.

Pros of Flat Panel Cabinets

  • They’re very easy to clean. 
  • They are usually less expensive than any other cabinet style.

Cons of Flat Panel Cabinets

  • They typically fit just one kitchen design—modern kitchens—unless you mix the styles. 
  • They warp more easily than other cabinet types.

Save on Your Kitchen Remodel by Refinishing Your Cabinets

Blue refinished beach kitchen cabinets

If you’ve decided to stick with either your shaker style or flat panel cabinets but still want to give them a refresh, call our team at Oceanside Painting & Refinishing in New Jersey. We’ll come to your home and give you a free estimate to refinish your kitchen cabinets.

Cabinet refinishing is the most cost-effective method of updating cabinets. Our cabinet refinishing service includes chemically stripping off the old paint or stain, making minor repairs, and repainting or re-staining with the new color of your choice. 

If you have any questions or want to request your free estimate, fill out the quick form below! Or, you can call us at 732-818-0092 or send an email at

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